Great idea…. DIY Paper clay embellishments for mixed media artists

I have discovered paper clay and molds for my mixed media work. Martha Stewart just came out with some started kits that have everything you need to make paper clay embellishments. I love polymer clay but it is so heavy, has to have a dedicated oven, and the set up and clean up takes me lots of time.

The good things about the paper clay is that the items are really light weight and can be affixed to a substrate like paper. They can be painted, dusted with perfect pearls, have glitter added to it and …. they cure over night in the air.

ImageImage Needless to say, I got out my clay molds , my paints and my imagination and went to work at my craft desk. Here is a sample of some of the easy embellishments that I made. There are also 2 examples of how I used the flowers, stems and leaves Image in an art journal that I am making. I will start to experiment with more challenging designs next. I will take photos and post how I am making these in my next blog. Fun, fun, fun

DIY homemade modeling paste easy and cheap

I am very excited because I have been playing around with homemade modeling paste.  It is quite fun to use stencils and slather on some white paste on a collage page and lift off the stencil and see the magical white impressions on the page.  I got this home made recipe from a video by gauchealchemy on you tube.  It works great and it saves soooo much money to make it yourself.  So here is the recipe ( you can also look up the video if you want to see it made)

one air tight container

one part white acrylic paint

one part talc powder baby powder ( $1 at the dollar store)

1/2 part white glue or mod  podge ( this is what I used)  It will end up with the consistency of frosting ( do not eat it lol)

stir a lot ….. put stencil down on heavy weight paper and spread the paste over the stencil and lift straight up.  Wait to let it dry or dry with your heat gun.    Wash your stencils and utensils right away, this stuff dries hard.


Update:  I have been working more with this recipe and for me I have added one and half part talc powder to make it thicker.  This is up to you.  The original recipe is like light modeling paste and the one with more powder is more like regular modeling paste.  Just experiment with it until you like the results.  Hope this helps.

Here is a video showing you how to use modelling paste;

Just look at the photos to see how easy it is.ImageImageImageImageImageImage

The Artists’ problem; work for money vs. work on what you love; art

I am sitting here today looking at my studio ( which needs reorganizing again) and feeling the time pressure to leave it to get ready for my “real” job ( the one that I make money to live on).  For me this is a constant pressure.  I feel wonderful when my hands are full of paint and glue making my mixed media art journals but I cannot live on the income ( almost none) from them.  I want to read all the new articles on mixed media on the net and try some new techniques but where is the time to do this?????

Some of you must feel the same way.  Please leave a comment, it would help me feel less frustrated.  🙂Image